Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I don't like naps, but I took a two hour one today... a two and a half hour-er yesterday, a three hour-er on Saturday and on Sunday, the one day I think naps are pleasant, I had three. I don't know the duration of each, but I do know that I still am not sure if the US men won that water polo gold medal.
I'm not lazy... I'm just on drugs... prescription drugs to treat migraines. (If you really think I'm lazy & just want to fight or are curious, feel free to read a longer version of the story earlier in this blog labeled 'remembering normal'.) The naps happen to be a bit of an annoying side effect from the medicine I take which seems to help, but overall I've been feeling pretty crummy lately. Hopefully my naps will help me feel better, even if I don't like 'em.


Friday, August 8, 2008

We have a cute dog

Ever since I brought him home from the rescue place Digory has been especially attached to me. He likes Katie but he really likes me. If we both call him he comes to me. If she goes outside he wants to stay with me. When I leave he pouts. Now he has made lots of progress since she spends more time with him. He doesn't follow my every foot step around the house any more, not even to the kitchen. But he does follow me to the bathroom. There he sits on the mat by the tub and watches me pee. I still haven't decided how I feel about it. I'm just glad he's not tall enough to drink from the toilet.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Growing Veggies

The thing about growing your own veggies is scale. You need to grow enough so they actually make it inside to cook with. I tend to eat them pretty soon after picking (like before I get to the top of the steps). I bet my tomatoes would be great on a sandwich, but I guess I'll never know.