It has occurred to us in the past couple of days that being grown up is highly overrated. We are currently renting our home and we enjoy it. It is a cute 1930's bungalow with a white picket fence, two bedrooms, a decent-sized kitchen, laundry room, two fireplaces, a big yard, and a front porch with a swing. Who cares that there is a bus depot that is just down the street... it is summer after all. And that loud rumbling noise? Yeah, we're used to the train tracks... we're a whole three blocks away.. almost. Really, it is a great house, in a good part of town, and the price is right. Our year lease will be officially up on this great house on Friday and we need to have a conversation with our landlord about what we are doing. But, please, don't label us as total slackers.. we had initial conversations...
Landlord: "We really like you two. Are you planning on staying?"
Drew&Katie: "We like it here too."
Then we had a tree fall on our house during a lightning storm which caused some damage to the porch and well.. we are getting a new roof tomorrow.. so needless to say this rental property is getting more and more expensive for our landlords.
So now the conversation in the past few days as interpreted by Drew...
Landlord: "Would you be interested in buying the house?"
Drew&Katie: "Uh... um... let me get back to you."
Drew [to katie] "are we interested in buying this house?"
Katie [to drew] "yeah, but we are probably more interested in continuing to eat on a daily basis."
Actually, the conversation between Drew and I was more serious than that, but it did lead to a similar conclusion. We even checked our credit scores tonight so we can have some facts to back us up when we turn down the offer to buy our cute little bungalow. In his conversation with our landlady, Drew mentioned that they might be trying to sell our home to buy another house on the market. While this is still not confirmed, it sounded like they were wanting to move quickly so I am preparing us for a quick move just in case we are forced out sooner than we expected. I have begun once more the dreaded search for the perfect home. Cheap rent, well-maintained, quiet neighbors, spacious, clean, and now dog-friendly. Did I mention that we don't really want to grow up?
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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